COPA 177 Donates to Brain Tumour Walk

On June 20, COPA reps Rob Essery and Mike Ash hand a cheque for $250 to Tom Hartai, an organizer of the walk. Cheque hand off

A big thank you for your support to my brain tumour team which did the brain tumour walk this past Sunday in Exeter.

I formed the team called "South Huron Heading for Hope " in 2011 following my brain tumor Journey. Collectively as a team since then we have raised $100,000 to help fund the much-needed research as well as the support programs for the 55,000 Canadians living with a brain tumour and their families. We also walk as a team to honor loved ones lost. Every hour of every day another Canadian hears the words "You have a brain tumour " ...its quite terrifying. There is NO KNOWN CURE.

I am definitely one of the lucky ones.

Here is a collection of pictures of our team. The three of us holding the banner are each survivors. Thank you again for making a difference. Imagine a cure. Tom

The Walk team

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