A field trip for our Feb. 2025 meeting

When: February 11, 2025
For times see notes below.
Where: London Airport (YXU) Terminal Building. Arranged tour of the Tower for 18 members.

The Operations Manager has indicated they can only accommodate a maximum of 18 people on the 11th (3 groups of 6 each).

  • First group will need to tour at 6:30pm (arrive no later than 6:15)
  • Second group tour at 6:45pm
  • Third group tour at 7:00pm

Please let Paul and Matt know who is available to arrive prior to 6:30 for the first 6 person tour. We can then sort out names for the second and third tours.

For Security reasons we also need to provide a list of names for each tour. Once finalized will send out the lists.

Additional Notes: Paul: genairspray@hotmail.com
Matt: copa177secretary@gmail.com
Follow-up / Results: The tower tour was cancelled, to be rplaced by an FIC tour. The tour tour is to be rescheduled.

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