60th Annual Corn Roast

When: August 25, 2024, 10:30 to 13:00
Where: Sexsmith International Airport, CSX7, 39723 MacDonald Rd, Exeter
What: Sexsmith Pilot Ltd. and COPA 177 wish to invite you to their annual Corn Roast.
Additional Notes: CR Flyer

This is a milestone event for Sexsmith Pilots; they started this event 60 years ago and it has been going continuously ever since. Congratulations on starting such a popular tradition for local flyers and the community.

<== Click on the image for a full-size flyer for the event.

If you can help at the Corn Roast, please email Sara.
Follow-up / Results: What fantastic weather! About 55 aircraft attended, plus a lot of drive-in folks. We served over 200 meals and generated a substantial donation to Big Brother & Sisters of South Huron. Number 60 was a winner.

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